Our Classes:
Hip Hop/Balance Classes offered for ages 2-3. 45 min classes.
Dress Code (girls): leotard or shirt, shorts or tights.
Dress Code (boys): white t-shirt, shorts or sweat pants
Hair: pulled back out of face.
Jazz classes offered for ages 4-18. 1 hour classes.
Dress Code (girls): leotard (any color) or form fitting top, tights, leggings or shorts, jazz shoes.
Dress Code (boys): t-shirt, shorts or sweatpants.
Hair: pulled back out of face.
Ballet Classes are offered for ages 4-18. 1 hour classes.
Dress Code (girls): black leotard (last week of the month can be colored), pink tights, pink ballet shoes.
Dress Code (boys): white t-shirt (last week of the month can be colored), pink tights, pink ballet shoes.
Hair: neat ballet bun.
Contemporary Classes offered for ages 7-18. 1 hour classes.
Dress Code (girls): leotard (any color) or a form fitting dance top, tights, leggings or shorts, (shoes are up to teachers discretion).
Dress Code (boys): t-shirt (any color), shorts, or sweatpants, (shoes are up to teachers discretion).
Hair: pulled back out of face.
Tap Classes offered for ages 4-18. 1 hour classes.
Dress Code (girls): leotard (any color) or a form fitting top, tights, leggings or shorts, tap shoes.
Dress Code (boys): t-shirt (any color), shorts or sweatpants, tap shoes.
Hair: pulled back out of face.
Hip Hop classes offered for ages 4-18. 1 hour classes.
Dress Code (girls): t-shirt (any color), leggings, sweatpants or shorts.
Dress Code (boys): t-shirt (any color), leggings, sweatpants or shorts.
Hair: pulled back out of face.
Tumbling Classes offered for ages 4-18. 1 hour classes.
Dress Code (girls): leotard (any color) or any form fitting dance top, tights, leggings or shorts. No shoes.
Dress Code (boys): t-shirt (any color), shorts or sweatpants. No shoes.
Hair: pulled back out of face.